Boy on a Swing

Artist: Mary Block
Location: Highland Park Police Dept. (1677 Old Deerfield Rd.)

What happened to the beloved sculpture of the “Boy on a Swing, as it has been called for most of its life?” This engaging bronze adolescent happily greeted all passers-by from its perch in a large oak tree near the northeast corner of Green Bay Road and Central Street since its creation in 1984.  The sculpture was moved a couple of years ago, and even though the City has publicized its recent journey, many people still are not aware of its whereabouts.

“Golden Boy,” as it was originally dubbed, was commissioned by Arthur Rubin, who owned an art gallery in the building adjacent to the sculpture, in honor of his wife’s birthday. Its sculptor, Mary Block, found this to be an extremely romantic gesture on his part!  Says Ms Block: “I wanted to capture the playful character of the city, which I loved as one of its residents.  At one time you used to be able to get T-shirts in town that read ‘Camp North Shore’. . . I thought the slogan captured a sense of the raw enthusiasm and creativity in the area.  Highland Park was and remains a beautiful city.”

Rubin gifted the sculpture to the City of Highland Park, and it remains in the City’s domain.

During construction on Green Bay Road a few years ago, some of the tree’s roots were damaged, causing the need for major branches to be pruned. It was determined by forestry department managers that this oak no longer could hold the sizeable, weighty sculpture and they went on a search for a strong, mature, city-owned, oak tree to be the next home of the sculpture.  The available options were limited as it was deemed unwise to place the sculpture in a park where it might attract climbers.

The ideal tree was identified in front of the Police Station on Old Deerfield Road. Before being placed there, the “Boy on a Swing” made a detour for restoration of its decaying foot. Months later, it was hung at its present location, sadly with no welcome ceremony as Covid was it its height at the time.

Next time you drive, walk, or cycle by the police station, make sure to look out for our iconic swinger. Or better yet, make a special visit to see it!

If you would like to know more about Mary Block, visit her website at


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